Monday, 27 January 2014

In Action - Part 3

Hey there,
So I have been talking for a while about a project that my sister and I have been wanting to do.
As of Sunday the 5th of Jan, we started our comic. We sat down, got all our stuff together and discussed what parts we had to play in the comic,  wghat stuff wwe were going to need obviously she writes and I draw so it was final that we were going to partner up from the beginning.  A outstanding writer and an experienced artist work perfectly together, right?! 

If you want to know the equiptment I use for the comic, look down below. 

 Purchases for comic studies
  • Making comics storytelling secrets of comics, manga and graphic novels. By Scott McCloud.
  • Understanding comics the Invisible art. By Scott Mc McCloud.
  • The last Purchase - The walking dead Compendium one. This was not bought for studies, but it is definately a great help for studies, to see how they have draw the characters really help. 
The top images are small panel drawings I did of 'The Walking Dead' for practice. I did find it quiet challenging at first, it was difficult to get the shapes of faces, catch a nice flow of using the pens and getting the proportions  right. In saying that I have over come these problems and now are doing better at it. I still want to improve alot more and take more notice of all the acspects that relate to a comic.

Images - Our comic
Written by SJ.Paul - Illistration by STA (Me)

What stuff I use:
  • Fine -  Permanent - stabilo OHPen- Black - Hobby Craft - £1.50
  • Medium - Non-Permanent - Stabilo OHPen - Black - Hobby Craft - £1.50
  • 4H - Tradition - Staedtler - Pencil - Any art store - In packs of 10 £5
  • Shatter resistant - Ruler - 30cm - Any art store - £50p - £1
  • Sharpie - Mini fine point - Permanent Marker - Hobby Craft - £2
  • Putty rubber - Hobby Craft - £1
  • Sharpener - Hobby Craft - £1

Thanks for passing by again

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