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  "Art enables us to find ourselves at the same time"

I have been into art since 2007, art helps me express myself in ways I could never imagine. It's so beautiful how one peice can portray something completly different, loving art is one of the best feelings expressed without words. Come and see what I do, join in discussions by using the language of art, expand your knowledge. Keep checking my blog for more added and upto date pieces.
                                                         Help me share with and inspire the ones around me. xoxo

Shes all that - Mixed Media - January (2014)
Wanted to try something a little different, its  been a while since Ive done a mixed media piece. 
So here she is 'shes all that', right?!

Baseline - Acrylic Painting  October (2013)
The music is what brings us together, as one. Music is a universal, and there
 are so many different styles and genres in music but we all join when the music starts to play.
 Exhibition piece NO.1

Night night - Acrylic Painting - October (2013)

 Sine he was a boy this elderly man finds himself in the same spot every night, playing his ukelele. He finds when he's playing he creates this city, which is a figment of his imagination, when he plays his beloved ukelele.
 Exhibition piece NO.2

Skin Deep - Oil Painting - October (2013)
Skin deep is about a girl who finds solace in the emotions her tattoos express. It shows that words aren't needed to express feelings.
 Exhibition piece NO.3

Search - Acrylic painting - October (2013)
Searching for her love, a lady walks and leaves her foot prints 
and hopes that she will find the speacial one.
Exhibition piece NO.4

Picture perfect - Acrylic painting - October (2013)
A perfect between a young couple is captured. Affection shown
 through the body language.
 Exhibition piece NO.5

Red Velvet- Acrylic painting -  October (2013)
Red Velvet is about an elegant woman
 who is all about self. She is a puzzle.
 Exhibition piece NO.6

Sunset Bliss - Oil painting - October (2013)
 The senxe of freedom is shown through the sunflowers, how they drift away and chose their own path, and as the sun sets others find freedom and calm in its beauty.

 Exhibition piece NO.7

Rhythm and Blues - Acrylic Painting - October (2013)
A young couple who comes alive whenever they dance, but now they chose to dance together as one, it's a lot more magical.

 Exhibition piece NO.8

Algaphobia - Oil Painting - October (2013)
This young man has fear of pain. He has isolated himself from the world in this empty room and the only way he can reconnect, is to look through the window. 


 Exhibition piece NO.9

Sunny (Girls generation) - Traditional drawing - Graphite Crayon - August (2013)

Sunny from girls generation (K-POP) . One of the hardest projects i've done because of the intricacy of the accessories she has around her wrist and her hair. For so long I have been trying to draw hair and now I've started using graphite crayons it allows me to play around a bit more with my art work.    Yaaaaaaay I can finally  draw hair!! 

Miguel - Traditional drawing - Graphite Crayon - August (2013)
This was drawn for my twin sister:) she was persistent with this request. Again with graphite crayons and my new love (Ear budds LOL) for shading and a more relistic look.

Brandy - Traditional drawing -  Graphite Crayon -  July (2013)
BRANDY BRANDY BRANDYY!!! One of my favourites out of the portraits I have been producing recently.  Most people thought this was jennifer but its not. Wanted to try this one just because it looked like a challenge , which it was but I still think the hair was a success since I suck at doing hair.

Amber Rose - Traditional drawing - Graphite Crayon -  July (2013)

Started to produce portraits Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !!!!
Not perfect but I think it was a good first attempt of Amber R. I will hopefully put up some more soon so you guys can see my progress.

Teayang - Kpop Artist - Traditional Pencil Drawing ( 2011)

I was inspired to do this drawing as I do take quiet a liking to this kpop artist. I thought  it would    be a great project for myself. trying to do more portraits.

Original Piece - The checkered Girl - Acrylic Painting study ( 2011)
                    Colour hasn't always been something that I like using. I have become more use 
                    to using colour and now I quiet like it. This was just a freestyled piece.

UVA - Deviantart - Took part in the DrawAlong -   Credit to senju-hime for her beautiful
photography - My Traditional pencil drawing (2012)

I was seriously blown away by this ladie's photography, Ive noticed that lately i've been getting more into this type of art.  I'd love to start experiementing.   

Check out the link above, if your into art join this site, you wont regret it.

Malcolm X -  What a legend !!!!!!  Indian Ink study ( for the first time)  - (2012)
I had never used Indian ink before and this was the result. Im happy with it, I love doing portraits, I find doing them in ink has made it more intriguing then others.. just a thought.

Rosa Parks - Another legend!!! - Mixed Media Art - Rope, Acrylic paint, Traditional
 pencil drawing and bottle tops - (2012)

I am not use to this type of art but I tried. Drawing someone who has made such a difference to our future is part of my motivation to keep doing what I want to do and work hard for it.
This project was fun!