Saturday, 18 February 2012

Twins Will Be Twins...

So my nephews came over, they're so cute they were spelling all these small words then they asked their gran to ask them to spell bigger words, adorable right?
Family means so much to me and some times when I dont see my nephews for a long time it does make me sad, because their boys and grow sooo fast. Talking about height, their going to shoot right past me and im really going to look like an umpalumpa then arent I? ahh well ive always been told that ill never grow, back then I thought it was a big joke but then I realise that they was actualy telling me the truth. So anyways after spelling all these words they decided ton run about and hide in the toilets for a game, damn kids are so creative. Twins will be twins.

Being a twin is amazing and I hope that twins around the world feel the same bput their twin. The love I have for her is unique and having her around everyday is cool because I always think what if I wasnt a twin and I was just her sister, it would be cool but as much as it is to be one. She has all these quirky ways about her that I love. I love my twin with all my heart.

Ive always said when I have kids That I want them to be twins but I guess that wont happen since im a  twin, hopefully Ill be the first, hopefully. That would be great.


  1. They do say twins often run in families ^_^

    At work, we have twins on the checkouts and they're awesome! I love twins! It's so wonderful to see the love they have for one another. They are completely inseperable. I know the ones from my work hate it when they don't know where the other one is - they feel lost. It's such a special bond.

    When I have kids, I would also love to have twins!! :D

  2. Ray is right, you're more likely to have twins yourself because it runs in the family, you have twin aunties and twin nephews so I'd say your chances are high. While we're on the subject, let's not forget how much hard work it is with two. LOL!

    @ Ray - Awwww! The twins you work with sound SO cute! <3

  3. Thanks for the comments. LOOL is pretty awesome to have a twin. :D
