Saturday, 24 March 2012

Been A While

So I havent blogged in a very long time, times are hard and people get really busy(me) having to study isnt easy. thinking about what you want in life is hard too,who are we making the decission for? ourselves or others. I think sometimes it can be a bit of both and thats what makes it so hard for me to decide.

Life is hard, when you dont know where you belong.


  1. I think it's really important to ask yourself those kinds of questions reguarly. Who am I doing this for? Will this make me happy? At the end of the day, it's a very courageous thing to choose a path you believe is right for YOU, even if it means you have to go alone.

  2. Ahh yeah that's so true. Thanks schelz (Sorry for the latre reply, didnt see this)
