Today was the last day of sixth-form, of my first term, gosh I had a ball hanging out with my best buddies, spending half the day with them today felt weird but the holiday will be over before we all known it.
Before we all went home, we watched the pantomime, it was so hilarious, I could not stop laughing. A few of the male teachers were dressed as girls/women, I was just so shocked I kept laughing. Overall I enjoyed the panto and it was extra funny with my friends right besides me.
Sadly my art teacher is leaving and wont be at walthamstow Academy when we go back for our second half of the first term. He told us that its because his girlfriend was offered a job in India and he wanted to stay so badly and still teach us but he finally decided that he wanted to go alone with her. At first I was a bit upset because I really get along with him but then I understood when he told me why. I think I would have done the same.
Lastly one of my friends came back to sixth-form for the first time in weeks because he had been in hospital. He was really ill, I was so close to crying but i held it together in the end, it was a great pleasure seeing him again after so long. Sam is one of my friends but everyone has their close friends, friends, and people you just say 'Hi' and 'Bye' too, Sam was a friend and I when i first found out he was in hospital, I literally could not stop myself from crying, shows how much I really care for him. You never realise until something happens to the ones you care about. Last addition, me and my friend Aroog made him a card just before he arrived, I really hope he liked it.