Monday, 27 January 2014

In Action - Part 1

So 'In action', many of you maybe thinking what that means, for me.
If you have read previous posts of mine, you would have seen me mention that I was going to start designing T-shirts with my own art printed on them (New aspect to my Business - Ways of promotions).

I have been keeping myself busy recently and really trying to put alot of things into action In terms of my business, creating things that I can actually see. Being a young entrepreneur is not easy but I find recently I have been juggling alot of things at one time. 

I  hopefully want to start selling theses T-shirts in the spring near summer, this is my goal. Its going well at the moment, I have been experiementing with many paints, this wasn't as neat as I wanted it to be so then I moved on to the Tulip spray, and It's alot easier to apply onto the fabric im using. I stuck with the permanent grape and sapphire, I love the colours on the white vests. The work perfectly but in the near future I still want an actually spray can eventually.
One thing Im glad about is that I have the best supoort system around me, My twin is constantly offering her survices to help me, my big sis always makes sure my head is on straight and never lets me fall, always there to pick me back up. lastly my mother is my inspirating and is always there to give great advice. What more could I ask for...???? I dont need anything else. Thanks to my beautiful queen and princesses.

 Photo of my twin helping to do a customised Black  T- shirt: 21 On the back and sun glasses chick on the front.

I have actually been using the Tulip Matt tubbs for my practice and the tubbs look like the ones in the above photo. The paint is not too bad and dry pretty fast. The one thing I dont like about the white one is it does not look the same dry and wet. Its really light and doesnt look neat enough for me. So yes I have stopped using those, only if I have to do a practice shirt, I will use it to save the good stuff. 

Hobby craft is my store, I love it. It makes me spend all my money, but its all worth it in the end. Thumbs up to all the Hobby craft stores out there!!!!.
...And just in case you was wondering what I have been using, The information is below
What I have been using:
  • Fiskars Cutting mat - Hobby Craft - £5 << I think, Can't rememeber exactly, but it's close.
  • Tulip dimensional slick fabric paint - Black - Hobby Craft - £2
  • Tulip dimensional slick fabric paint - Blazin  Blue - Hobby Craft - £2
  • Tulip dimensional slick fabric paint - White - Hobby Craft - £2
  • Tulip permanent  fabric spray - Sapphire - Hobby Craft - £8
  • Tulip permanent  fabric spray - Grape  - Hobby Craft - £8
  • Scalpel Knife - Hobby Craft - £5 << Also not sure, but close. 

Look out for the next post,  it will most definately be packed with photos of what I have done so far and more.

    Thanks for passing by again

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