Wednesday, 11 December 2013


So Its been a little while since I have updated you guys on what Im doing. Ive decided that I wanted to do a photoshoot. This photoshoot would be with four others and my amazing big sis that has agreed that she is going to be the camera girl.. wooohooo! 

So heres the thing I was going to do this photoshoot around this time, before christmas but the more I thought about it and the more I spoke to big sis and twin, I realised that maybe right now wouldnt be the best time because Its cold out side and it isnt getting any warmer for now.. so.... 

I am going to do the photoshoot Mid Spring, early summer .. is that not the best time... yess!.
So now Im going to do the photoshoot then. Now I want to tell you guys about the theme of the photoshoot because to me its a pretty big deal. 

The idea is my art... on clothes. Im so excited because ive never seen my art on clothes before apart from on canvas or paper. The first three images is the few I have in mind right now because one they are all complete and two because I feel they also have a nice urban  feel to them. On T-shirts, vests, jeans  and beanies .. so look out for pictures from the photoshoot mid year next year. 

 ...and also before I sign off this image below is still not finished but its definately a work in progress. So look out for this on tops too. I really hope you guys like it when its done. Be sure to queery about them in the summer!! 

Thank you all 


Saturday, 30 November 2013

....And Another 1

 I want to keep this post short and sweet. I feel like this 
is another step forward for me and I really want to share it with you guys. <3

So today was mums workshop, it was truly amazing 'women impowering women' - Lights Camera Action. I always learn something new whenever I attend the workshops and I am blessed to have a mum like mine. The workshops always help me if Im ever doubting myself, feeling like something isnt going wrong, just any problems in general. I love the workshops, its great to know that every last saturday of the month I always have something to fall back. It always reminds me that my future is in my hands. Thank you mum.  <3

 I sold this piece for £45 (Acrylic - Medium) today!! Thank you for all the support that everyone has given me for the past couple years. I am blessed to have my family and the handfull of friends that are true to my talent and will be by my side every step of the way.

Thank you again 


Thursday, 28 November 2013


Recent commssions -

Orange/Yellow Lillies
Lillies for a friend

Acrylic - Medium - 2013 November
I hope she likes it!

Jhene Aiko

Close Up

For a family friend - Grphite Crayon - Medium (On paper) - 2013 November


Let me just begin by saying blogging is not easy, I keep doing things inbetween (Small projects) and then I forget that I have to let the world know too, how my art business is going and the commissions also. So here are a few photos of what ive been getting up to.... OH! and just to let you know my mother has a workshop coming up and its this saturday, this is here blog, check it out >>  Discover who you are .


 Still working on her, just the hair now and shes perfect.
 I hope you guys like the update on this project.

Star*Studio Art

Updates on my abstract work. Ive been obsessing over abstract/ Pop art ever since I saw Albina Su. If you have never seen her work, you need to check this out!! . 

Thank you for been the inspiration for these pieces. 
 P.S. Update about most current commission.


Business card!! 
So I recieve my business cards in the post not long ago, go check it out on my whats new page to find out more.

Sta*Studio Business card 


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Whats next for me..?

+ Artist problems  

I am more then determined  after my 1st exhibition. Im motivated to do more. 

Ive had thoughts before about doing my own tatto book, just a small one though. I just think that its a great idea, plus it still links back to my art. Now I have decided that I want to produce pieces of art that are bigger then me ... now im 4'11, I guess thats not too bad, its a challenge that im willing to take on.

In my last post I mentioned about couples and culture, I really want to start doing cultral art on a bigger scale, experiementing with new things maybe with different materials. I am one that only like to stick to the style I know best but ive learnt that the more versatile you are as an artist, the more People will appriciate it as its directed at many crowds. Im going to make my work more authentic, more edge and risk taking. 

 Im also planning to do a project with my big sis as shes a writter and im an artist, where going to do a comic of a story she has been working on. Its amazing because my ss and I never realised the potetial of our talents coming together before. So Im excited to be starting a project with my sister because she is an amazing writter and the world will soon find out just how great she is at her craft.

Fun project  - I want to do a small project where a couple of friends and I do a photoshoot but I want the theme to be something like ' BUBBLE GUM GIRLS THEME ', find a nice landscape (Location)  where we can do it. After thats done I draw/ Paint them. If you guys have any suggestions make comments below:).

Then I got two recent offers which were, To teach children to learn english over a period of time, but through my art. I think this is great, working with children would be an honourto me.  Then
 Eli the storyteller was also intersted in doing some story telling with my art as inspiration.
Thank you for these opportunities. I hope to work with you all in the near future.

New Artist problems
So I always have this idea in my head that I can just walk into an arts ad craft store and just buy what I want, more so need. Thats not the case. The things you see in good quality art stores are not cheap atall. Like I just want to be able to buy whatever but I cant sometimes because Im a new artist and I dont always have the change to do so. Thats just one of many problems. 
I also have to try my hardest to promote myself on all the social newtworks I have, on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook like page, Blogspot (...This LOL), Deviantart and Tumblr. Dont for a second think that Im complaining about it but its just very hard to keep up with them all but this is the only way of networking for me at the moment. .

Then people not buying your art, which is understandable because some dont know me, they dont want to invest in a piece of art most of the time if they are not head over heels for it.

Having a fan base is also a problem, people dont want to pay to get into exhibitions because they think its boring or not worth their time.. or what ever the case may be, to come and see paint splashed onto a canvas, they just dont get it. If people could see the true beauty of every individual artist, they'd pay faster then I can say BOO!!.

 Lastly,  getting my art from one location to the next. Transport for the exhibtion was hard enough but when I start to produce bigger pieces.. what am I going to do. Argh! The fustration. My dads transport is somethig I will have to deal with untill I become more established.

The only thing that is great right about now, is having all the 
spear time in the world that I need as an artist:)

Its great to get into new things, im always willing to know more about
my industry. 

 Come again

Let The Music Create My Art'

 So the other day my sister asked me if i have ever used music to influence my art work... I said no because to be honest, thats the truth. My mind does not go crazy when ever I listen music I just start dancing like a crazy woman. I know maybe strange to some.

Anyways we got talking and She had already been playing music whilst we had been speaking, the next song came on, which was Ed sheeran - Drunk(This song is so beautiful) so I decided that I was going to start actually listening to the word to see what I felt or saw in my haed from it.

Turns out its a great stimulus to work from, only works for some music. Then  ' The power of love' came on and my mind started going crazy, I actually started to think music may be the one that can allow me to create original, unique but beautiful work. The images that I was getting in my head were so beautiful and I found I couldnt stop it.

Ill give you guys a small description of what I saw while listening to Power of love ..

A empty snow forest, which you can only see a small amount of the trees. Daytime, looks cold but its still so beautiful. Only one thing in the frest apart from the long and tall trees... a litttle girl walking towards it.. alone. She has her baby blue winter coat, scarf, hat and black shoes and she  looks no older then ten. 
Thanks :) Just a little something

Then it got better because Lauryn Hill came on, I got so excited I started thinking cultral art, afros,In dependent Individuals, Locked couple and that was it. 
Im not going to write a short description because I think the Image to the right below is what I was thinking in my head.

Props to whoever has produced this <3

Visual ideas - ( Not Mine )

 Lauryn hil
 Miseducation of lauryn Hill 
~ Ex Factor ~
Plan to do a piece similar to this but in abstract style <3.

Thank you, i'm signing out :)
Come again <3

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Celebration Dinner + Crowning Glory review

I still have that rush running through my body after my 1st exhibition, so the family and I decided to celebrate by going out to celebrate.
It was such a great night, going out with my sisters and mum because there is never a dull moment  when im around them, plus the location we went to eat at was amazing, as usual. I didn't want the night to end being honest.After we ate we headed straight to the theatre. not I havent been theatre in a long time so when the idea came up to go theatre to celebrate... I was exstatic, I really was! I really like doing new things , although this isnt new because ive been theatre before but its not something I do all the time.
Ive absolutely loved the whole experience of putting my own exhibition together and mum and the girls have been my back bone through the whole thing.

Mum, sisters and I.

                                                Play- CROWNING GLORY  -Theatre time!!
It was most definately an experience for me, and I think for the girls too. I do believe  Everything the characters were saying was true, most coloured girls or black girls are very insecure about their hair and they are very much so affected by the comments people make on a daily basis. Some dont mean it to be harmful, but unfortunately some do.  

Black girls in this society believe that they are not beautiful if they dont have long, wavy, light hair. They think that guys will not look at them or dont because of this reason, which in some circumstances are true, which is sad. Being a black girl myself, I havent had Problems with my hair ....

But it is fustrating when I cant control my curls at times but that does not mean that my intentions when I straighten my hair is that I want to feel accepted by the society  today and look like everyone else. Everyone has insecurities, women more then men but they have them. Loving yourself is so important  and some characters in the play didnt, whether it be because of the way people around them made them feel about them self or because its as simple as they have the desire to look like someone else.. or its just fashion to wear weave.

'To weave or not to weave?' 

Personaly, no weave I say, your hair DOES NOT have to be touching our shoulders for us to be beautiful.


The 'Express yourself exhibition' experience - Success!!

                      I'm so happy right now and I just have to share this with you guys.

I put on my first Exhibition last Thursday (31st), I can truly say that it was one of the best feelings I have ever had.I have wanted to do my very own exhibition for a while now and not going to uni, a few times I have doubted my self just because nowadays people make you believe you can not go anywhere if you dont study at uni, which is not true.

I worked so hard to put on this exhibition last month, the preparation, business aspect and getting people together to view my art. Preparation was very hard but I had the support of my family around me consistently. It makes me feel so blesseed to have such a talented, supportive, motivsted family because it just makes me strive for more in life. Being a 18 year old in this society now.. I feel I have achieve so much off my own back. (Thank you to those of you who have helped me follow my dreams of being a successful artist.)

Its so hard to please people when it comes to art especially if they havent got the eye for it. Not much people know what art is all about, what certain styles portray or how to read it. Which is understandable because when I was in school I didnt understand certain things about art. I want to bring a different style to the industry. <3 

To be honest, I was overwhelmed  but so glad when people wanted to buy art off me. I successfully sold 6 pieces at my exhibition. I did a lot of research and it said on one site that you should sell your art for what you think it is worth, which I think I did.
Rhythm and Blues

Red Velvet

I appreciate all the people that came along to view not only my art but the passion I have for what I do. 
I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Thank you again

Monday, 7 October 2013


                                                'E X P R E S S    Y O U R S E L F '



44 Broadway

Stratford E15 1XH

(Next door to McDonalds)


Thursday 31st October 2013 


£15 PER head

(Under 14s is FREE.)

Come along and enjoy the welcome presentation, theme, music and refreshments.

View art in a way you have never seen before.

OHH .. and did I forget to mention after the entry fee, should you want to ppurchase a piece of art, £15 will be deducted from the normal selling price

Look out for the up and coming exhibition. (December) Don't miss out!

Face book like page  - Art By Serayah Austrie


Friday, 13 September 2013


I'm back finally !!!!

Check out ArtWorld for more art work, Updates and older art pieces. 
enoy, commet and make suggestions for what I could produce next...

P.S. Theses are all complete and photographed in  ArtWorld. 

 ~~Sunny ~~
~~ Graphite Crayon ~~

 ~~Sunny ~~
~~ Graphite Crayon ~~
 ~~Amber Rose ~~
~~ Graphite Crayon ~~
~~Brandy ~~
~~ Graphite Crayon ~~

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Get Creative!

I am so glad that I can share my experiences and plans with you guys. I’m actually planning to start my own business and id just like to share some of my thought process with you. 

Quite a while back I starting thinking of different ways I could promote my own art work. I am currently working on some things like;  My own tattoo sketch book, mini exhibition, working with young kids by getting sponsors, clothing line and many more. I am so ready to get my business up and running because I don’t feel like art s promoted in the right way, plus it’s not promoted enough to show the appreciation. I feel like when I start up this business I can really show people on thee outside what art really is. One of my main goals on this journey is to work with kids. I would love to show younger kids that they can also be creative because everyone has a creative side of them.

I have looked into funding for individuals, funding for people who are trying to work on their own businesses, and I would love to do either so i have more opportunities as an artist to show you guys the thing I love doing the most. 

I will be doing a mini exhibition, hopefully very soon after I leave sixth-form. All my art work, I hope it will inspire many young people of my generation and others to come. I would love it if you guys could join me when I plan the date. This hopefully is the first step to my successful future.

Thank you for reading. Comment and share it with your friends and family. :)
Peace xo

Girls Girls Girls !!

So it’s been a while since I've posted anything, I want to talk about girls and their insecurities, if you agree, disagree with anything I have to say, I’d love to hear it. 

So recently I've been noticing a lot of girls on instagram consistently...That doesn’t actually like them. I don’t think its right that some women give younger girls the impression that it’s ok to wear layers of makeup, we was born this way and we should be happy with the way we look. It’s not right when you see girls on instagram and other social networking sites talking about how they want to look like someone else, they want to have someone else’s face, have their life. At the end of the day you don’t know what that girl’s life is like when they’re not online. There is a lot of girls in the world that are like 13-17 that are just very insecure about how they look, it’s not right that they think their role models have to be drenched in makeup and all the fake stuff. We should be teaching them how to be happy with who they are and be comfortable in their own skin.

I have a problem with girls that just refuse to not wear makeup. There is nothing wrong with defining your natural features but giving your face a whole new colour and just going overboard with it, I don’t agree. It’s very unattractive and not appealing at all. Comment and tell me what you think about this topic. I’m up for discussion. 

Peace xo